Mission accomplished
Arrival at the South Pole
My TEDx Delft talk
Tractor Girl’s TEDx talk at TU Delft!
Tractor Girl – little trailer
short teaser of 4 years traveling towards the South Pole by tractor. (editor: Patrick Minks)
On the road
An impression of the first part of my journey: 38.000 kilometers by tractor through Africa.
For this journey I made a play. As a tool for communication with the girl on the tractor and as a gift for the people I met on my way. In these plays I collected dreams, dreams from the people in countries I visited. This girl is going to the South Pole, to built a snowman with all the dreams of the world in his belly.
While travelling through Africa I visited projects where they use rats. The rats can detect mines and illnesses, amazing!
Live on a tractor
A insight in 4 years living on a tractor. Beautiful moments and tough moments, on her way from Holland to Antarctica…
Visiting The Hunger Project
In Malawi I visited a project from The Hunger Project and I was in tears when I heard what this woman did. I found out that every person can end his or her hunger.
An amazing orphanage
This project I held dear, Nigisti taking care of “her” children in Ethiopië. Amazing, strong woman!