Epic Tractor-expedition to the South Pole becomes a reality!

MF 5600 me

Today my dream took a great leap forward on it’s way to realization…
I am sooooooooo happy to announce that my adventure-story is truly getting it’s magic happy ending!!!
I have found a sponsor in the Massey Ferguson company!!! And have started preparing this epic expedition to the South Pole by Ferguson tractors! Which is quite the challenge!
But also supercool because this means all these thousands of dreams I’ve been collecting worldwide will be traveling with me to the South Pole, as promised! And I will build this snowman with the dreams of the World in it’s belly… Whiiieeuhieuw!!

Soon I’ll update this website with more news

(Photo: Sarah Mc Nair-Landry)

Tick-tock tick-tock…

Only 30 hours, 45 minutes and 3 seconds to go….

…then I have news on my project to share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTractorGirl?ref=hl and Twitter: https://twitter.com/tractortractor